Mental Health Resources

The following websites and phonelines could be helpful to you in lots of different situations, including emergencies, just follow the links and get the help and guidance you need.

Phonelines for crisis support

SHOUT – for mental health support in a crisis, text 85258

Childline – essential support for under 18s. Call 0800 1111

Papyrus – prevention of young suicide. Call 0800 068 4141 or text 07860 039967

Respect phoneline, email and website – for anyone concerned about their own behaviour towards a loved one 0808 8024040


Sleep - all you need to know on sleeping better -

Headspace Guide to Sleep – watch the Netflix series -

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Think Ninja app - a free mental health and emotional wellbeing app for young people aged 10 to 18 years, for anxiety or low moods - ThinkNinja - Apps on Google Play or ThinkNinja on the App Store (

Young Minds – how to find mental health support and answers for you or a friend -

The Lowdown - counselling, LGBTQ+ advice and support, sexual health and wellbeing resources -

Changing Minds IAPT service - talking therapy information for 17 ½ years and over in Northamptonshire -

School Nurse team: CHAT health TEXT 07507 329 600

Time2Talk: Mental Health resources and counselling in Daventry 24 Hour answerphone: 01327 706706 Email:

Action for Happiness - a free resource full of podcasts, talks, videos, action plans, calendars, the 10 steps to happier living and lots more

Websites for just about anything

The Mix – an all round help, support and advice website for under 25s

Sexual health and relationship support

Northamptonshire sexual health outreach team - TEXT for advice 07519 293 410 Website

Brook – sexual health and wellbeing advice for under 25s -

Internet safety

Report Remove – report offensive images online via the Childline website -

Report Harmful Content – guiding you through the reporting process -

Scroll down and you will find some very useful resources and advice including worksheets that will help with grounding and distracting from self harm behaviours, plus the Action for Happiness Planner for Happier Living.

Grounding Techniques for Self Harm

Involvement and Participation Resource Pack

Young People Mental Health Pack

Service Six Self Harm Support

Happier Living Action Plan

Self Harm Distraction